Field Treasure Coffee Time Giveaway

Ok friends, let’s face it. It’s always time for coffee around here. So this week I am doing a giveaway to help you have a solid coffee time as well.

It’s super easy to enter to win.

Just repost the photo above on @Instagram with a shout to @fieldtreausuredesignsa and use the hashtag #fieldtreasurecoffeetimegiveaway.

If you want another entry, just sign up for our email newsletter here on the site.

That’s it! Winner drawn this Saturday evening.

Here’s what is included int the giveaway:

  • Field Treasure Designs 14″x14″ Reclaimed Pallet Wood Wall Clock.
  • 8-Cup Chemex Coffee Brewer
  • Chemex Hand Blown Glass Mug
  • Chemex Natural Filter Pack – 100
  • Field Treasure Designs X District Coffee MAKERS BLEND Coffee Beans
  • Field Treasure Designs Vanilla Bourbon Candle
  • Field Treasure Designs COFFEE! T-Shirt (You choose the size)


83 Replies to “Field Treasure Coffee Time Giveaway”

  1. Natalie says:

    I entered the giveaway on insta (@nataliealexandrac) and subscribed so pick me cause I love coffeeeeeeee 🙂

  2. Alyssa says:

    I reposted and subscribed @lys97… Thanks for the opportunity!

  3. Justine says:

    Reposted and subscribed (@whalehello) – thanks for having these awesome giveaways!

  4. Meagan says:

    I posted it on my private account on Instagram (@pearsonwifey) and sure hope to win!! Me and the Hubs LOVE having coffee time in our woodshop!!

  5. Jacob says:

    You’re going to make me the winner… (Jedi mind trick)…

    1. Jacob says:

      @jhess6405 is my insta

  6. Mackenzie says:

    Reposted and subscribed @mackenzie_t

  7. Ashley says:

    I reposted and subscribed! Thanks for the opportunity! The giveaways are so great! @ashleypate

  8. Justin Box says:

    You are the man. From the picture it looks like you painted the Chemex cup on the wood clock.. Could be a cool idea for you. I’d buy one. (Pending legality, of course!) subscribed!!! @jtb0020

  9. Courtney Cox says:

    I reposted and subscribed! I love your designs! @_courtneycox_

  10. laura.farmer31 says:

    laura_farmer32 (Instagram name) subscribed and reposted on Instagram

  11. Suzette says:

    I reposted and my username is @fracture_capture. I already subscribed. Happy Veterans Day!

  12. Tyler Mock says:

    Reposted and subscribed! Insta is tmock56! Love
    The products y’all have.

  13. Ben says:

    Subscribed to the list and @riversben reposted in IG

  14. Fabio Parada says:

    Reposted and subscribed @Quiqueparada

  15. Trevor says:

    Entered the contest on Instagram! (@trevorminyard)

  16. Jessica says:

    Everything here is inspired!

  17. Christian says:

    I entered @christiannapolitano

  18. Amanda Wissmann says:

    Subscribed and reposted!!! Awesome giveaway! (As usual!)

  19. Amanda Wissmann says:

    Oops! Insets is @amandalaura

  20. Morgan Walters says:

    Subscribed and re-posted at @morg_wal

  21. I entered and subscribed! (@withhopeandloveblog) Thanks for doing a giveaway!

  22. Nick McDevitt says:

    Reposted!! @nick.mcdevitt needs some chemex in his life!

  23. Jacqueline Ramos says:

    Just subscribed and reposted on insta (@jacquiramos). Hopeful!

  24. Lauren says:

    Pick me!! Reposted @pinklady04ld

  25. I subscribed and entered on IG. You can find me there as @thisgalsjourney Would love to win!!

  26. Allen says:

    Subscribed for email updates, and reposted in Instagram (@allen_blanks).
    Just got engaged this week, so this would be an awesome first wedding gift!!

  27. Jared says:

    I did!!! @delaux85

  28. weston Schnetz says:

    Done did it !
    InstaG : @westonschnetz

  29. Annel says:

    Reposted on my insta and subscribed to the emailing list! I absolutely loved everything in this giveaway! Would be awesome to win! Especially for that shirt, and hand blown glass mug, and the brewer. Who am I kidding the WHOLE PACKAGE is epic ❤️☕️

    – @annel.gz

  30. Sarah Wright says:

    Huge fan! Been following you for years! So thankful that you are a grassroots company and so excited for this giveaway! You guys are seriously so cool and amazing and I’m thankful for shops like yours in the work you do!

    1. Sarah Wright says:

      Private Instagram @sarahviggwright
      Phenomenal giveaway! So excited about this one!

  31. Olivia Demakpor says:

    Reposted & subscribed!! @oliviademakpor

  32. Jeffrey McCrary says:

    I subscribed to your email newsletter and tagged y’all in the picture on Instagram with the hashtag! My Instagram: @jeff_mccrary

  33. Karen says:

    Hey Andrew!

    I reposted on Instagram and have subscribed to the email newsletter!! Love this giveaway ❤️☕️ My Instagram name is KarenInez

  34. Lauren Webb says:

    I love your designs! I have reposted and subscribed to win this giveaway!

  35. Daniel Vitter says:

    Subscribed! @deevee100

  36. Megan says:

    I subscribed and posted the picture on Instagram! 🙂 @meganrterry

  37. kristin says:

    subscribed and reposted! @kblasetiu

  38. Angelia says:

    I subscribed and reposted on Instagram. My username is @angeliaknapp I would so love to win this. ❤️

  39. Nicole says:

    I reposted and subscribed! 🙂 instagram name: nicolesauer

  40. Allie LaPointe says:

    I reposted and subscribed! Love your product!

    1. Allie LaPointe says:

      my instagram is @allie_janie

  41. Barry says:

    Done and done! @barrydavison

  42. Sarah says:

    I reposted from @sarahogden624 and I’ve been subscribed for a few months now!

  43. Tyla Bowers says:

    Entered! @southern_arts
    Love this giveaway♡♡♡

  44. Ben Kann says:

    I subscribed!!!! 🙂

  45. Ben Kann says:

    bksizzle is instagram name

  46. Emily says:

    I subscribed and reposted on Instagram @emgerloff
    Can’t wait to enjoy my winnings!!

  47. Terry Bennett says:

    I entered on Instagram and my name is @tjoshbennett

  48. Stephanie says:

    I entered and followed and subscribed and am so excited about this giveaway!! (@stephblood – private insta account)

  49. Corinn Burgess says:

    I entered on Instagram @chburgess and subscribed to your email list!

  50. John Strenkowski says:

    I also entered the contest on instagram! (johnstrenkowski) and I’m stoked about this! Everything looks solid and I’m excited to be in the giveaway.

  51. Chelsea Sizemore says:

    @chelsize_ entered on insta and subscribed to your email list! Holla!

  52. Enkhjin says:

    I reposted your recent giveaway post on my insta (big_fat_apple) and also subscribed your website. I have heard many good things about your stuffs from many friends including Brandon Seibert!

  53. Brittni Loar says:

    I liked, posted, subscribed, and all of the above! I love coffee more than anyone else on the planet so pick me!

  54. Aaron Tart says:

    I subscribed! @aarontart

  55. Andrew says:

    Did it!! @andrewberry1994

  56. Kimberly Wolf says:

    This is such an amazing giveaway! Reposted to my IG @kimmie_wolf this would be perfect for my fiance! He loves coffee and all things reclaimed! <3

  57. Lauren says:

    I’ve subscribed to the email list!


  58. Chris says:

    Entered on Instagram @chrisleethephotog and subscribed!

  59. MaJo says:

    I reposted to Instagram @majo.roof and subscribed. Hoping to win so I can give to my hubby for Christmas. Thanks so much for the opportunity

  60. John says:

    Instagram entry person. Like your site.

  61. MaJo says:

    Sorry, my Instagram is @majo_roof. Sure hope to win !!

  62. Donna Printy says:

    Following on IG. Reposted pic. Signed up for email newsletter.
    I’m a coffee fanatic, would love to try yours!

  63. Will Lester says:

    Reposted @will_lester

  64. Abygail Minor says:

    I subscribed to your guys’ email as well as reposted onto my instagram (abbyminor)! I have heard about your guys’ coffee products and would love to give them a try!

  65. Andy says:

    I reposted on IG (@kluge9) and have subscribed to your email letter. Can’t wait to read about what you’ve been up to

  66. Lindsey says:

    I subscribed and reposted this picture on my Instagram (@llfar)! Coffee is an addiction for me, so I’m excited to have a subscription to this cool website! I’ve never heard of y’all but, after looking at y’all’s products, I might be buying from y’all haha.

  67. Jen Holm says:

    I love your products! Hoping for this giveaway! Posted and subscribed, IG: @jendholm

  68. Jenn says:

    Entered on Instagram and subscribed! Hoping to win such a great giveaway!

  69. Yay! @thegoldenfinn is my instagram 🙂 Good luck to everyone who is as desperate as I am for delicious coffee!

  70. Angelo says:

    Would be awesome to win this giveaway because I’m a new Barista (more than 3 month working in a Coffee Shop Named Friend’s Café in Mayagüez, Puerto Rico.) and it would be awesome to try a new extraction method as Chemex. And I really love Coffee and latte art. ☕️

  71. Angelo says:

    Would be awesome to win this giveaway because I’m a new Barista (more than 3 month working in a Coffee Shop Named Friend’s Café in Mayagüez, Puerto Rico.) and it would be awesome to try a new extraction method as Chemex. And I really love Coffee and latte art. I also did the repost on instagram and tag you. My instagram user is: angelobvargas.

  72. Zachary Kelley says:

    I reposted and hashtaged on instagram! I love what you guys stand for and support! Would be so cool to win!

    1. Zachary Kelley says:

      @zacharyakelley on insta

  73. Libby Riddle says:

    I posted on IG (@libby_riddle) and have already subscribed to your newsletter!

  74. Elise Hargrove says:

    Reposted and subscribed! My instaname is @elisehargrove!


  75. Daniel Champagne says:

    I entered on Instagram (@dchampagne) and I’m subscribed to the mailing list. Pick me!

  76. Anna says:

    I entered on Instagram and I also entered on here by subscribing to your email. My IG username is: gracefulpassenger

    Thank you so much!

  77. Josh mobley says:

    I reposted on insta @joshmobley and subscribed!!!

  78. Natalie Heyen says:

    Followed! From Instagram @nheyen….trying to win for my manly, coffee-loving, kind-hearted fiancé! 🙂

  79. Mackenzie moore says:

    On the email list!
    Instagram name: mackmoore93

Comments are closed.